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OROSI HIGH SCHOOL, Class of 1980

Orosi, California

Reunion Date: October 13th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

RSVP: OrosiAlumni@sbcglobal.net or Contact a committee member by phone.

Details for the Class of 1980 Reunion:
(This includes anybody who entered our OHS Freshman class of 1976, those who graduated in 1980, and all other friends who may
have joined and/or left our class anytime during these periods).

Where: Visalia Convention Center (VCC), Picnic - Mooney Grove Park

When: Saturday, October 13, 2007, 6PM — Reception, 7PM-Dinner, 8PM-Presentation, 9-12 Midnight-Dancing and Entertainment.

Saturday Reunion Attire: Semi-Formal / Biz Casual (no ties)

Costs: $45 singles/$90 couple
"Reconnecting with friends and recalling fond memories" - Priceless!

Please make payment payable to:
Linda Hilburn Kuhnel
4040 E Laurel Court
Visalia, Ca 93292
Phone: 559-906-7356

Family Picnic - Sunday, October 14, 2007 (noon - *)
Pot Luck Picnic invitation extended to Orosi Alumni of other graduating years.

Rose Ortega (559-303-7130 ) has kindly accepted the responsibility of being the point person for the planned Sunday Family Picnic
so please contact her for more information and to lend her a hand

Reunion Contacts

(562) 676-8553

(408) 272-8236

(408) 314-3737