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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.StadiumCups.com is your source for custom printed drinkware.Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sites

Madison Heights High School, Class of 1978

Anderson, Indiana

Reunion Date: July 28th, 2018
Website: Visit our website

MHHS Class of 1978 / 40th Class Reunion
Saturday, July 28th @ 5:30 pm
Millcreek Civic Center, 17 Veterans Blvd.
Chesterfield, IN 46017
Tickets: Couples: $67.50 Individual: $36.00
5:30-6:30 Social Hour
6:45 Buffet Dinner
8-12 Music and Dancing
Cash Bar available all evening.
Purchase Tickets: Here:

Friday, July 27th @ 6:30-11:00 pm.
Casual meet-up at Moran’s Bar; 1320 E 23rd St, Anderson, IN 46016. Outdoor covered patio is reserved for Pirates. BYOM – Bring your own money!

Saturday, July 28th @ 11am. Enter Doors: TBA
AHS School Tour * This Is tentative based on staff availability.
Arrive early to watch the band warm-up for the Winchester Contest

Saturday, July 28th: Pirates Play Golf: 8:00am Edgewood Golf & Events Center, 519 Golf Club, Anderson, IN 46011. $30 per person; includes green fees & cart. Shirts with collars required for men. Please contact Tony Turner regarding arrangements & questions.

Group Hotel Rate: Best Western Plus, 2114 E. 59th St., Anderson, IN 46013. Group Rate of $89.99 + tax. Must call the hotel directly by July 20th at 765-649-2500 to reserve. Mention MHHS Reunion for reduced rate.

BUY A SHIRT! All proceeds to directly to reunion costs and 3 options available. Sale closes June 23rd. Link: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/mhhs_1978_40th_reunion?share=6051528655073385

Please share this post on your Social Media – Public Status, and/or share with friends via email, etc.

if you haven't, please join & check the 40th Reunion Facebook page for updates on Class Video, Hotel discounts, Schedule updates, etc. Link is in the comments.

Send Updated Contact Info to: mhhs40reunion@yahoo.com
Please Include:
• Full Name (Maiden / Married, etc.)
• Spouse’s Name (Optional)
• Mailing Address
• Phone / Cell Phone
• Email Address
• Plus any additional info. you would like to share.

Reunion Contacts

Penny Dollens-Smith
(317) 658-4148

Linda Lollar-Hutchens
(327) 418-9824

Marka Talmage Leonardd
(765) 425-8633