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Foster, Class of 1969

Tukwila, Washington

Reunion Date: July 20th, 2019
Website: Visit our website

You may have gotten this before but this announcement has the contact info
Foster High Class of 1969 Reunion

Saturday, July 20, 2019 – 2:00 p.m. to Whenever!

Bill Steindl’s Home – Address and directions to be published later

Price is free, but only if you RSVP by June 1, 2019

Event is Potluck and BYOB

Our Virtual Reunion is already underway! Come join in our Group Facebook page ( closed group so an administrator (below) must invite you
Classy Class of 69 (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1607401252692599/)

RSVP by contacting Classmates at FHS Reunion Class of 1969 (https://www.classmates.com/siteui/reunions/Foster-High-School/Class-of-1969/2560820) or any of our
Committee members below

Your 50th Reunion Committee:

• Tom Sweeney (Facebook Messenger or mrxtom@netscape.com)
• Bill Steindl
• Gail Brown (FB Messenger or gbxbrown61@google.com)
• Sue Zilbert Prince
• Lydia Schilling (FB Messenger, lschilling@gmail.com or 509-769-8743)
• Eric Hovee (ehovee@edhovee.com or 360-921-6430)
• Nancy (Siccardi) Munro

Reunion Contacts

Tom Sweeney
(206) 5271305