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Sir Fredrick Banting Junior High, Class of 1987

Coquitlam, British Columbia

Reunion Date: October 13th, 2007

Here is your latest update on the reunion which is to be held in the Banting gym on Saturday, October 13, 2007, from 7-11 pm. A dance, bar and food (of some sort) will be provided.

Reunion tickets are now going on sale!!! Tickets are $30 if you purchase PRIOR to the night of the event and $ 40 at the door. If you wish to purchase PRIOR to the event, you can do one of the following:

1) Purchase at Coquitlam Center on Friday, October 5th between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. Two members of the committee will be there pre-selling tickts just outside of the GAP store. (Look for Bridgit or Laura)
2) Purchase on Tuesday, October 9th between 8:00 and 9:00 pm at 620 Beattie Street outside the BC Regiment Building from one member of the Reunion Committee. (Look for Tricia Dong)
3) Purchase through PAYPAL using the account tdmcp@shaw.ca. Please include your name, address and contact phone number. You may also email that address if you have any questions. You will then pick these tickets up on the night of the event at the door.
4) Or please email one of the following reunion committee members to purchase your tickets:
Rick Pearson - rickshizue@shaw.ca
5) And of course, you can purchase at the door for the higher rate of $ 40.00.

We are also asking you to email any of your old Banting pics to Rick Pearson at rickshizue@shaw.ca as we will be putting together a slide show for the event.

Volunteers are needed to help with the set up that day, help that night with check in, etc., and help with the tear down after the event. If you are available to help (the more the merrier!) please email lbozek@msn.com.

Finally, we are looking for donations for door prizes! If you are able to donate a door prize (or approach your employer or anyone else you know of) for one, please email lbozek@msn.com. Tickets will be distributed and drawn at the event.

Please note that this reunion is for ALL former Banting students, teachers or anyone else that has a connection to Banting. Spouses and/or significant others are more than welcome!
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