Just Announced Reunions

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Upcoming Class Reunions

The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesStadiumCups.com is your source for custom printed drinkware.

South West Dekalb High School, Class of 1998

Decatur, Georgia

Reunion Date: August 9th, 2008
Website: Visit our website

The Reunion will include the following,

Friday, August 8, 2008
Welcome, Meet and Greet Mixer/Social Event
Location and Time: TBA
Adults Only Event
Saturday Afternoon, August 9, 2008
Family and Friends Barbeque, Games and Activities for Kids, Door Prizes, Food , Music
Location and Time: TBA
Saturday Evening, August 9, 2008
The Finale
W Hotel, Atlanta Perimeter
8pm — 1am
Dinner will be served
Attire: Cosmopolitan
Adults Only Event
Sunday, August 10, 2008
We are very interested in fellowshipping at a church in the Decatur community/area with ties to one of our SWD Class of 1998 Alumni.
If anyone is interested please email the address provided below.
More information will be forthcoming regarding:
Rates for Hotel Rooms at the W Hotel (if interested)
Please continue to check your email for updates and specifics regarding our reunion weekend!

Please forward all questions to: swd1998reunion@yahoo.com


Reunion Contacts

Natasha Paynes