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Alhambra High School, Class of 1997

Phoenix, Arizona

Reunion Date: November 24th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

10 Year Reunion Announcement!

Class of 1997 only event

Saturday, November 24, 2007 - 7:00 pm

Macayo's (phoenix--Central & Indian School

$30 (includes food, entertainment, non-alcoholic drinks--Alcoholic drinks will be on your own)


Here's the details of the Official Alhambra High School class of 1997 Reunion.

Date: November 24, 2007 (saturday)

Time: 7:00pm-1:00

Where: Macayo Restaurant on Central South of Indian School
602-264-6141 4001 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, 85044

Cost: $30--PER PERSON (ex. couples-$60 total)
(please help us out by paying before November 1, 2007 so that we can reserve the room and pay for food ahead of time)

How to pay: Click on "continue" link in "CLASS NEWS" section of the website.

You do not need to create a Pay Pal account to pay (just use the pay pal link to pay by credit card or bank account.)

We are using Pay Pal because it is a secure method of payment online. If you have more questions please let me know.

This Reunion is ready to go so spread the word to the entire class of 1997! If you have questions about anything--please feel free to contact: Dana Mahnke @ 602-741-9002 or Mare Morrow @ 602-909-5604

Reunion Contacts

Mare Morrow
(602) 9095604

Dana Mahnke
(602) 7419002