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Washington Senior High School , Class of 1988

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Reunion Date: July 18th, 2008
Website: Visit our website

20th Class Reunion

Friday July 18: Jazzfest 7:00 pm
We will have our own tent at Jazzfest with food catered by Famous Dave's.

Saturday July 19: Wiley's Tavern (6th and Main) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm appetizers
9:00-12:00 The band "Sugar Daddy".

Sunday July 20: Tour the Washington Pavilion 12:00 -5:00

Please pass this information along to other '88 Graduates!

Visit our website to register and sign the guestbook!!!

Thanks! Hope to see you all there!!

Reunion Contacts

michelle hulstein