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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesPlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Jamestown High School, Class of 1988

Jamestown, North Dakota

Reunion Date: July 3rd, 2008
Website: Visit our website

July 3rd there will be a street dance outside of Buffalo City Grille.

We have a tent and tables reserved for the class of 1988 at the Fairgrounds on July 4. There is live music and fireworks planned.

On Saturday, July 5, we will have a social gathering at the Buffalo City Grille, located downtown Jamestown just south of the railroad tracks on Main Street.

Reunion Contacts

Jennifer Donovan
(701) 269-9348

Kristin Moeller

Joanne Windjue