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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

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Bismarck High School, Class of 1978

Bismarck, North Dakota

Reunion Date: July 11th, 2008

We are trying to finalize our game plan for the Bismarck High School 30 year reunion bash but are finding that we NEED to know how many people to plan for!  The dates are July 11-13, 2008. Friday night we will be at Tom OLeary Country Club with hors d oeuvres and an open bar; Saturday a.m. we will golf at Tom OLeary golf course; and Saturday evening we will spend at the Elks Lodge in the back room of the upper bar. Nothing fancy, just a good time to laugh, chat, drink a little and catch up on what has been going on in your lives!  Should be a great time and we hope that you decide to join us!  
BHS 30 Year Reunion Bash Committee  
Steph, Jill, Kevin S., Kevin F., Tim

Reunion Contacts

Steph Storey
(701) 527-7922

Jill Wiese
(701) 315-0017

Tim Tello
(701) 223-4520