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Midwood High School, Class of 1958

Brooklyn, New York

Reunion Date: June 21st, 2008

Greetings to all Midwood High School 1958 Grads!

We have set the dates for our 50th reunion. They are June 20, June 21, and June 22 (Friday-Sunday). We will have a number of separate events beginning with a cocktail party Friday evening June 20th, followed by a visit to Midwood on Saturday morning followed by lunch, a bus tour of Brooklyn on Saturday afternoon, a gala dinner at a Brighton Beach restaurant on Saturday evening, and a BBQ lunch on Sunday noon. You will be able to pick and choose whether to come to one or more of them. We believe we have been successful at keeping the costs down and are looking at arrangements for transportation and accommodations for those needing them. You will be receiving a definitive invitation in April but for now we want you to save the dates.

If you have any information such as emails, phone numbers, or addresses for any of our classmates, now is the time to send them back to rbrechner@yahoo.com , or call Ross at 443-722-1913.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards from the Organizing Committee

Don Block Baraf
Ross Brechner
Marty Erdeim
Judith Husick
Hal Fishman
Stephen Modell
Judith Nadelson
Joe Rapaport
Bob Salzman
Michael Sand
Myra Schwarzapfel Teplitsky
Susan Seltzer
Steve Solarz
Madeline Thier
Alan Zimmerman

Reunion Contacts

Ross Brechner
(443) 7221913