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Layton High School, Class of 1998

Layton, Utah

Reunion Date: August 16th, 2008
Website: Visit our website

Our 10 year reunion will be Saturday, August 16.

For all the details and to RSVP/buy tickets - please go to laytonhighschool98.blogspot.com

We will start with a picnic at the Layton Park Pavilion (right next to the amphitheater) from 11:00am to 1:00pm. This is for all graduates and their families. Free snow cones for all! Bring your own lunch.

That night we will have dinner at Rickenbacker's (located in Ogden, www.rickenbackersbistro.com) from 7:00pm-9:00pm. This is for all Graduates and a guest. Cost for the dinner is $22/person. We will be having a reception-style dinner with a cash bar available. Tickets will go on sale soon and will be available to purchase at laytonhighschool98.blogspot.com via Paypal. Keep in mind that you must pay by July 10th.

See you at the reunion!

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