Just Announced Reunions

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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

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Vassar High School, Class of 1983

Vassar, Michigan

Reunion Date: August 2nd, 2008
Website: Visit our website

August 2, 2008 at the Black Forest Restaurant, 281 Heinlein Strasse, Frankenmuth.
$30 per person, buffet dinner, music.
Cash bar. 5:30-6:30 Social Hour; 6:30 dinner.
Come join us for fun and reminiscing! We want to see everyone - not necessary to be a VHS Graduate. It's going to be a great night.

*Limited amount of rooms available at the Frankenmuth Motel for $95 a night. Call 1-800-821-5362 ask for" VHS Reunion discount".

**Send old pics, new pics or family pictures for a PowerPoint presentation to Tammy R. Send pictures, new articles, etc. with RSVP to Marlene G. (WE WANT THESE EVEN IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND.)

*If you have any photos, news articles, etc.that you’d like to donate to the photo album/scrapbook that Marlene Gohsman has been compiling, please include them with your RSVP. Also, Tammy Revesz is making a PowerPoint presentation — email old pictures of you & classmates, past reunions, and current family pictures to: Tamultuous@aol.com. Thanks!

* See above website for RSVP form if you didn't receive an invitation in the mail.

Reunion Contacts

Christine Reid Gaulton
(815) 524-5578

Trina Sullivan
(815) 931-0049

Tammy Revesz