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Ellenville High School, Class of 1988

Ellenville, New York

Reunion Date: No date has been set yet
Website: Visit our website

Who says we have to wait for a 25th Reunion?!? We had a successful 20th reunion in 2008 and as a number of our classmates were not able to attend that reunion, Mindy Spain-Soda and Gina Burger-Schuster have teamed up to put together a 23rd reunion! Let's make it the BEST one yet!!!

We will be scheduling the reunion for the weekend of the 2011 Blueberry Festival... in Ellenville, which will be either the 2nd or 3rd weekend of August. As the reunion is still in the planning stages, we will bring you further updates as to the exact time, date and location of the reunion as soon as it is available. We are probably planning a dinner for Saturday night followed by a Family Picnic on Sunday.

And so Class of 1988, Mindy and I look forward to seeing you next summer!!!

Join the Class FACEBOOK page at: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/EHS-Class-of-1988-Reunion/122661971125927

RSVP at the FACEBOOK "event" page :http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=139569302757404

Reunion Contacts

Gina Burger-Schuster

Mindy Spain-Soda