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Bermudian Springs High School, Class of 1998

York Springs, Pennsylvania

Reunion Date: June 14th, 2008

Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008
Time: 5pm — 11pm
Place: The Pike Restaurant & Lounge
985 Baltimore Pike
Gettysburg, PA 17325
RSVP: No later than May 25th (this includes payment)
Price: $45.00 per person/$90.00 per couple
**For the safety of all our guests, The Pike has requested no children be present due to the serving of alcoholic beverages!**

**Proper attire requested at The Pike (no jeans and t-shirts)**

**Please join us for a Buffet Style Dinner, Cash Bar, Dancing with a Great DJ, Prizes, Raffles, Reminiscing, and Long Awaited Fun with Old Friends after 10 Years!!**

Rooms are available at the following Hotels:
Super 8 Gettysburg (866-229-9144) $130 per night
Wyndham Gettysburg (800-916-4614) $136 per night
Gettysburg Travelodge (800-574-0835) $139 per night

Dinner Includes:
Seasonal Fresh Fruit
Assorted Cheeses w/ Gourmet Crackers
Baked Lemon Herb Chicken
Pork Tenderloin
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Seasoned Roasted Red Potatoes
Buttered Corn
Steamed Broccoli
Dinner Rolls w/ whipped butter

Classmate/Guest names: ____________________

Dollar Amount Enclosed: ____________________

Please send RSVP and payment to:
Bermudian Springs Class of 1998
C/O Kristy Scott
452 Idaville York Springs Road
Gardners, PA 17324

Reunion Contacts

Kristy Scott
(717) 713-0961

Amey Cramer

Jamen Grinnen