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Hot Springs High School, Class of 1988

Hot Springs, Arkansas

Reunion Date: July 25th, 2008
Website: Visit our website

Please visit our website.

Schedule of Events

Friday, July 25, 2008

8:00 pm- until
Porterhouse Steak & Seafood
707 Central Ave
Hot Springs, AR 71901

Saturday, July 26, 2008

10:00 am — Noon
Tour of High School

Noon- 2:00 pm
Picnic at Linden Park

Catered by Smokin in Style BBQ

8:00 pm — Midnight Banquet
Hot Springs Convention Center
134 Convention Blvd
(Semi-formal dress)
Hors d’oeuvres provided.
Cash bar available.

Entertainment by Elite Mobile Entertainment

Cost is $40/ person if paid by July 3, 2008.
Cost is $50/ person at door. CASH ONLY AT THE DOOR.

Mail payments to: HSHS Class of ’88 Reunion
P.O. Box 211179
Little Rock, AR 72225-1179

Reunion Contacts

Ronald Johnson

Michael Riley