Just Announced Reunions

The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Branham High, Class of 1977

San Jose, California

Reunion Date: October 11th, 2008

Our 30+1 reunion is set to take place at Hayes Mansion from 7:00 PM to midnight. More information will be coming soon. In the mean time spread the word and send your addresses and those of other classmates to:
Eileen Hannan: eileen@cps-co.com or
Lisa Posey: abridesdream1@aol.com

We have our first official committee meeting on the 24th of June, we hope to have some details ironed out after that week.
Plan on making it! It should be a lot of fun!

Reunion Contacts

Lisa Posey
(206) 412-1190

Eileen Hannan
(408) 390-5940