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Conway Springs High School, Class of 1998

Conway Springs, Kansas

Reunion Date: August 16th, 2008

We will be having a sit down dinner at the Whiskey Creek Steakhouse located at 233 N Mosley St in Wichita, KS. Their phone number is 316-265-0707. You may view their facility and menu at their website: www.whiskeycreek.com. The festivities are set to begin at 5pm until 11pm. If anyone would like to keep the fun going, since the restaurant is located in downtown Wichita, everyone is urged to go to one of the many bars. I am working on getting us some deals at one in particular. We're hoping to have a great turnout, so please come and join us for a night full of fun, laughs, and great times.

Reunion Contacts

April Zoglmann
(316) 640-4096

Melissa Winter
(620) 456-2977