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Springfield North High School, Class of 1994

Springfield, Ohio

Reunion Date: October 23rd, 2004
Website: Visit our website

Holiday Inn -Holidome
383 E. Leffel Lane
Springfield, Ohio
Time: 6pm-12am
Dress: Dressy-Casual
Menu: Green Salad, Fresh Rolls, Entree', Vegetable, Starch and Dessert (all TBD)
Drinks: Coffee, Tea
Alcohol: Cash Bar
Agenda: Cocktail Hour, Dinner Buffet, Class Picture, Program, Celebration Dance

Cost: $35 per person/$60 per couple and deadline for tickets is Sept. 3, 2004. Please make checks payable to 'NHS Class of 1994' and mail to:
Audra (Smith) Cremeans
4301 Hastings Court E.
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408

A block of rooms have been reserved at the price of $72.  If interested, please call :
937-323-8631 and mention that you are with the NHS Class of 1994 10-yr. reunion to reserve a room.

Questions?  Call 614-738-8308 or email

Reunion Contacts

Audra Smith-Cremeans
(614) 738-8308

Petra Thompson

Danielle Martin-Roeser