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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceOurclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesPlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.

Twin Lakes High School, Class of 1978

West Palm Beach, Florida

Reunion Date: October 25th, 2008

Twin Lakes High School Class of 1978
30th Year Reunion
For more information and to get an E-invitation
Go to:

Dear Classmates,

It's time to dust off those dancin' shoes and get ready to have some fun!


Twin Lakes High School
Class of 1978
30 Year Reunion Weekend

October 25, 2008
A Night to Remember
Nick & Johnnie's
Palm Beach

October 26, 2008
Fun 'n Games
BQ On The Beach
Palm Beach

Invitation to follow

A lot can happen in 30 years....it's time to catch up. Hope to see you at the reunion!

—Your friends and classmates
TLH Class of 1978 Reunion Committee

Go Rams....
and Spread the Word!
If you are still in touch with a friend from high school, send us their name and email address, or addres to


We will make sure your friends and classmates are at the reunion this October.

Reunion Contacts

Molly Murphy
(561) 493-3553