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McCLuer Senior High School, Class of 1983

Florissant, Missouri

Reunion Date: November 15th, 2008
Website: Visit our website

This reunion will be open to all alumni from 1980-1985! No need to RSVP, but if you can, that's great.
WHEN: Saturday, November 15, 2008 7p.m.-12:00a.m.
WHERE: VFW, Overland/Maryland Heights Lion's Club
10815 Midland Blvd.
Overland, Mo. 63114
(East of 270, East of Lindbergh, West of Ashby...FYI: Dorsett Rd changes into Midland at Lindbergh(?)
Cost: $20.00/person at the door;
Cash Bar/Finger Foods/appetizers/prizes
Feel free to bring a dish, plasticware will be provided.
Dress: Casual of course!
Each class will have their own memorabilia table, so please bring any memorabilia (including pictures) that you "still" have!
Music will be from our "era"!!!

*Start spreading the word, this will be a fun filled evening!*

Reunion Contacts

Donna Slemmer
(314) 704-5904

Ann Azar
(636) 561-5555