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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Pershing High School, Class of 1959

Detroit, Michigan

Reunion Date: September 19th, 2009
Website: Visit our website

Ukrainian Cultural Center
26601 Ryan Road, South of 11 Mile Road, Warren, MI
$59.00 Per Person- $54.00 if paid before November 15, 2008
Includes Social Hour/Beer & Wine, Sit Down Dinner
Cash Bar will be available for Liquor
Surprise Drawings During Dinner
Join your classmates for an evening of reminiscing and socializing!

Reunion Contacts

Dawn Maruska-Allie
(586) 566-3125

Josie Varcie- Figurski