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Rio Grande High School, Class of 1959

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Reunion Date: May 16th, 2009
Website: Visit our website

Call to all Rio Grande High School Alumni:

It’s time to celebrate 50 Years of Pride, Tradition, and Excellence!

Rio is celebrating its 50th Golden Anniversary.

Call (505) 450-3884 or go to www.rghs50yearslater.com and click on Alumni to register.

Join us in planning the event. Meetings are every Tuesday. The next meeting will be held:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the Administrative Building at RGHS.

Donations are now being accepted. Please call for more information.

Reunion Contacts

RGHS 50th Golden Anniversary
(505) 450-3884

Lillian Archibeque
(505) 440-0517

Karla Gauna Moore
(505) 450-3884