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Patapsco Senior High School, Class of 1978

Baltimore, Maryland

Reunion Date: No date has been set yet
Website: Visit our website

We are thinking about doing a combined reunion for the PHS Classes of 1976, 1977, and 1978. Still very much in the abstract right now, we are going to try and contact the other reunion organizers to hear their thoughts.

If you'd like to share your opinion about a combined reunion please jot a note to any of the contacts listed on the page.

Please don't forget to visit our PHS 1978 Website too for all current information.

Reunion Contacts

Roxanne Marsiglia-Jarvis
(410) 933-6656

Donna McShane-Rooney
(410) 391-2139

Shelly Rossmark-Furst
(410) 605-2608