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Saint Benedicts High School Class of 1969, Class of 1969

Chicago, Illinois

Reunion Date: June 13th, 2009
Website: Visit our website

St. Ben's class of '69 is having an Reunion/Picnic this June. The location is The Silver Lake Beach in Kenosha County, Wi. Located 2 miles south of HWY 50, 11 Miles west of the I-94 just over the state line. This is just 15 minutes east of Lake Geneva. 12:30 to 6:30. Cost is $5.00 per person to cover permit's, signs and decorations. Brats and burgers will also be provided. Bring a side dish to share, and BYOB. RSVP via classmates.com or mfkoleszar@yahoo.com

Reunion Contacts

Florence Koleszar