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O Perry Walker, Class of 1984

New Orelans, Louisiana

Reunion Date: October 10th, 2009
Website: Visit our website

Dear O. Perry Walker Class of 1984 Alumni. Can you believe it's been 25 years since we graduated from O. Perry Walker?

I'm excited to announce that O. Perry Walker Class of 1984's 25th High School Reunion will be held Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cost $85. per person until July 30th,
Cost $100. per person August 1st - October 1, 2009,
At door $115. per person

Fri, Oct 9, 2009, A Home Football Game O.P.W.vs.Enda Karr

Sat, Oct 10 2009, 8 -11 PM Food Drinks, DJ, Memory Book and More inculded
Located at Aurora Tennis and Swim Club
5244 General Meyer Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70131

Sun, Oct 11, 2009 Class Picnic, Located at Brechtel Park Food, Drink and fun included

Please send payment in the form of a Money Order or Check payable to Pagona Kubert / (memo) OPW Class of 84 Reunion. Include attendee's names, phone #, and home address on a card, so I can send out your Invite. This invite MUST be presented to attend the reunion.

Mail Money Order or Check to Pagona Kubert, 7630 Wish Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406.

Please feel free to e-mail me at Pagona@KNAC.com with any questions you may have concerning our reunion or if you would like to help with anything

You can get additional information on our 25th reunion and catch up with old classmates at http://www.classmates.com/ (search for O. Perry Walker Class of 1984).

Your classmates would love to see you and catch up on what you've been up to. Looking forward to seeing all of y'all for a great evening!!!!


Pagona Spetsiotis Kubert
Class of 1984

Reunion Contacts

Pagona Spetsiotis
(818) 391-7900