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Riverview High School , Class of 1989

Sarasota, Florida

Reunion Date: September 19th, 2009
Website: Visit our website

The Riverview High School will host it's 20-Year Reunion on Sept 18-19, 2009. Come one, come all to the meet up with old friends and make new ones.

Meet-n-Greet at the Riverview High Rams Football Game vs. Port Charlotte.
We are still figuring out the details of this event. We willl update the site with more information shortly.

Dinner and Dance at the Boathouse, Hyatt Regency Sarasota
1000 Boulevard of the Arts, Sarasota, FL
Time: 7:00pm
Cocktail Attire.
Ticket Price: $90.00 per person if purchased BEFORE August 19th.
$100.00 per person if purchased AFTER August 19th.

TICKET PRICE INCLUDES: Catering, Venue, Alumni Search, Mailings, Decorations, DJ, Photo Name Tags, Memory Book.

1. There is a limited number of walk-up registrations available on the day of event. Cash is the only form of payment accepted, however we strongly recommend that you pre-register.
2. You may also just purchase Reunion Memorabilia if you can’t attend any of the reunion activities.

PAYMENT: Payment can be made by purchasing tickets above. You can also mail in a check to The Event Place, P.O. Box 76544, Saint Petersburg, FL 33734. Please make sure to note the high school name and year.

TICKETS: After you register, you will receive an email confirmation. This confirmation and/or a Photo Id will serve as your admittance ticket to the reunion events.

UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS: If you haven't done so already, please send your current email and home address to katie@event-place.com. Invitations will be both mailed and emailed to you. Your contact information will used for reunion purposes ONLY.

HOTEL ACCOMDATIONS: If you're interested in staying at the Hyatt Sarasota over the reunion weekend, please email Katie, the Reunion Planner, at katie@event-place.com and please tell her that you are interested in booking a hotel room. Please mention how many nights you would like to stay. The discounted rate will most likely fall within a range of $140-160/night.

REFUND POLICY: Refund Requests must be made in writing 7 days in advance of the reunion. Please email katie@event-place.com to request a refund. A $10.00 cancellation fee applies to each individual registration. Reunion Memorabilia is non-refundable.

SPONSORSHIPS: If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities for the Class of 1989 reunion, please contact the Reunion Planning Company listed below. Businesses or individuals can provide giveaways, advertise their business in the memory book and much more.

REUNION COMMITEE: Susie Sears Anderson, Taylor Abel, Jeff Howard, Kit Nervina Kuhman, Danielle Kochis Pfeil, Kim Kirtley Yahraus, Jon Lewis and Nancy Wortz Hipps

REUNION PLANNING COMPANY:Your reunion is being planned by The Event Place on behalf of your reunion committee. If you have any questions regarding the reunion, please contact Katie at 727-388-6974 or email: katie@event-place.com

Reunion Contacts

Katie Brinson
(727) 388-6974