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oyster bay high school, Class of 1989

Oyster Bay, New York

Reunion Date: July 25th, 2009

To the OBHS Class of 1989

It's time to get together and celebrate our 20th high school reunion!
We have booked a restaurant in Oyster Bay (menu below) and would like to get your RSVP (yes or no) at your earliest convenience as to hold the event we must guarantee a certain number of attendees.

When: Saturday July 25, 2009
Where: Il Piatto
Time: & PM TO 11 PM
Cost: $70.00 per person (includes buffet dinner and premium liquors)

Please RSVP to the evite yes or no.

If you will be attending, please mail your check to:
Michael DelColle
22 Locust Avenue
Oyster Bay, NY 11771

Additional Information:

1) If you have any pictures from high school (or Vernon or Roosevelt/ Birmingham) you would like to share for a slide-show presentation, please email or mail to Michael DelColle. If you send a hard copy, please write your name on the back so they can be returned to you at the reunion.

2) We still are unable to locate any contact information for the following people. If you have any ideas on where they may, please let one of us know:

Jorge Comoglino

Patrick Corral

Karen Eng

David Griffith

Dana Henry

Mark Johnson

Paul Lecchi

Deeanne Macri

Jennifer Rogat

Thomas Salvador

Matthew Schrody

Claudina Soto

Ida Struder

Salvatore Tavernese

Jansen Wood

3) Menu:
Appetizers: Baked Clams, Stuffed Mushrooms and Calamari

Buffet: Salad IL Piatto, Penne Ala Vodka, Marinated Skirt Steak, Chicken Sorrentino, Coffee and Fruit

If you have any questions or need additional information, do not hesitate to contact Mike (info above), Matt O (matthewdavidogrady@gmail.com or Lynn Keating (lk336@yahoo.com)

We look forward to seeing you!

Reunion Contacts

michael delcolle
(516) 922-2280

lynn keating