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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Riverdale High School, Class of 1989

Riverdale, Georgia

Reunion Date: June 27th, 2009
Website: Visit our website

DATE: June 27, 2009

TIME: 7:00pm - midnight

LOCATION: Sheraton Courtland
Location Street: 165 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303
Location Phone: 404-659-6500

20 Year Class Reunion Celebration!!! A fun filled evening of friends, food, drinks, dancing, laughing, pictures and more....

$55.00 per person if paid before June 1st, payments after June 1st $65.00 per person, or at the door the night of the event $75.00 per person

Room rate for guests attending the Riverdale Reunion is $109.00 +tax (you make your own reservations by calling the hotel# noted above)

Payment can be made through paypal (preferred) or via check.

PAYMENT VIA CHECK: make check payable to Shyra Houghton & mail it to 4455 Union Church Rd. McDonough, Ga. 30252

www.paypal.com - Email address to use in paypal is riverdale1989@yahoo.com

NOTE: www.classmates.com- all the above info is posted under events and announcements for Riverdale Class of 1989 & www.facebook.com- all the above info is posted under event Riverdale Class of \'89 type Party - Reunion. If you cannot locate the info on facebook then request Shyra Meyer Houghton and/or Kristie Conner Burge to be a friend on facebook. If you cannot locate the info on www.classmates.com then email Kristie Conner Burge @ riverdale1989@yahoo.com.

**** Pictures are needed for a slide show for the reunion — please email your photos from highschool to Riverdale1989@yahoo.com or mail them to Shyra @ her address above. Shyra will give your photos back the night of the reunion.****

****Please forward this info to others you know that graduated in this class that might not be aware of the above event details.

Reunion Contacts

Shyra Meyer-Houghton

Kristie Conner-Burge