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Jefferson High School, Class of 1979

Daly City, California

Reunion Date: October 3rd, 2009
Website: Visit our website

Location: Italian Athletic Club, 1630 Stockton Street, San Francisco
Date: Saturday October 3, 2009
Time: 6:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Cost: $55.00 per person.

Send checks made out to Jana Kast-Davids by August 20, 2009 to:
Jana Kast-Davids
1 Second Street
Watsonville, CA 95076

If you are travelling from out of town, we will post hotel recommendations in the next few weeks. Check Classmates.com or send me your email address: janalea@sbcglobal.net
Menu below:

First Course

Romaine with Ceci, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Vinaigrette

Assorted Italian Antipasto

Second Course

Penne Meat Sauce

Main Course

Roast Beef


Grilled Filet of Salmon


Eggplant Parmegian

Seasonal Vegetables

Roasted Potatoes



Coffee or Tea Service

Carafe of Red and White wine for Every Four Guests

No Host Bar

Refund policy:

Full refund of $55.00 will be given for cancellations made before September 1, 2009.
Cancellations made between September 1, 2009, and September 21, 2009, will receive a refund of $42.00.
No refunds for cancellations made after September 21, 2009, unless we meet the minimum attendance required by the Italian Athetic Club.

We are still trying to find classmates listed below. If you have their email address or phone number, please email me ASAP.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at janalea@sbcglobal.net or Ralph Gowen ralphgowen@yahoo.com , Gary Foppiano foppstar@sbcglobal.net , Frances Jolivette frances.jolivette@hotmail.com,
or Annette Rucker (Vierra) arucker7@yahoo.com.

We are all looking forward to hearing from you.
Jana Kast-Davids

Reunion Contacts

Ralph Gowen

Frances Jolivette