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Wilson High School, Class of 1967

Long Beach, California

Reunion Date: August 29th, 2009
Website: Visit our website

6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Buster\'s Beach House
Paradise Cove Room
168 Marina Drive
Long Beach CA 90803

CHECK OUT WHO IS ATTENDING and Details: http://wilsonclassof67-longbeachca.blogspot.com

To ensure reservation, send NAME, GUEST NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, EMAIL ADDRESS and CHECK ($70/person) made out to:
Wilson Class of \'67 60th Birthday to:
Tim Wilson, Treasurer
2919 Gardena Avenue
Signal Hill, CA 90755

If you didn\'t receive email or snail mail, please update your info and help us find missing grads www.wilsonhighreunion.com/1967

Reunion Contacts

June Peterson Anderson

Cam Doherty Killingsworth