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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServicePlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.

Americus High School, Class of 1999

Americus, Georgia

Reunion Date: October 16th, 2009  (Tentative)

Americus High School Class of Reunion will be held October 16-18, 2009 in Americus GA. This event is held during the Americus-Sumter County High School Homecoming. The registration fees are already set. $50.00 for single(individual) $100.00 for family up to four. You can also pay $10.00 per event that you attend. Registrations pays for your food at the cookout and fellowship dinner. This also includes a t shirt. If you want to see the agenda or schedule for this event. Please email me at Shernone Butts at shernonebutts2009@gmail.com or Darrell Sabbs at darrellsabbs@gmail.com

Reunion Contacts

Shernone Butts
(229) 3370424

Darrell Sabbs

Tenisha Ingram
(229) 9424457