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Orofino High, Class of 1984

Orofino, Washington

Reunion Date: September 16th, 2004
Website: Visit our website

Attention OHS Class of 1984

Plans are being finalized for our 20 Year Class
Reunion being held September 17-19 during
Lumberjack Days!

There have been announcements in the Clearwater
Tribune the current ad is a list of classmates we are
seeking infomation on, some have been located
since this ad was run! Future ads will include
details on scheduled Events!
There are several classmates who are still in the
Orofino area that have not updated their
infomation please call one of the organizers.

Help us spread the word and get names/addresses!
group email address

ohsclassof84 at comcast dot net

Reunion Contacts

Jess Spencer
(509) 951-1115

Rory Wilson
(909) 437-4647

Alonzo Martin
(206) 310-7169