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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Woodlawn High School, Class of 1990

Birmingham, Alabama

Reunion Date: June 12th, 2010

The event will be held June 12, 2010 @ New Creations Special Events Room
5391 1St Avenue North (Downtown Woodlawn) from 8:00 p.m. Till 12:00p.m.
Attire: Semi-Formal (All White)
Cost: $ 20.00 Per Person
$35.00 Per Couple
All monies will pay for the following: Food-Slide show-D.J. & Ballroom
Pay by personal check, cashier’s check or money order make payable to Woodlawn Class of 1990 Reunion mail to: Sherman Smith 1520 Hidden Lake Dive Birmingham Alabama 35235 if you would like to deliver your payment please contact Sherman Smith 205-401-9310. If there’s no answer please leave a detailed message and your call will be returned. All money must be paid by May 24, 2010.
Each class member is allowed to send 6 (six) pictures for the class reunion slide show. The slide show will be presented during the event. Send your pictures by May 24, 2010. We encourage everyone in the class of 1990 full participation and support.
This event will be one to remember and a joyous occasion of reuniting.
And remember we are “to legit to quit”.

Reunion Contacts

Sherman Smith
(205) 4019310