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Walt Whitman High School, Class of 1970

Huntington, New York

Reunion Date: October 9th, 2010
Website: Visit our website

Theresa Coschignano-Collins 631 - 754 - 7017
Laura Carino-Schroff 212 - 755 - 8250

Melville Marriott, New York
631 - 673 - 4325
Time: 7 pm - 12 midnight
$120 per person, ($130 per person after Sept 9)

Address: 1350 Old Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747

Cocktail Hour with open bar, Buffet Dinner, Music & Dancing

PayPal at: www.WaltWhitmanClassReunion.com


Check payable to WWHS 70
c/o Collins
3 Beverly Court
Fort Salonga, New York 11768

Reunion Contacts

Theresa Collins
(631) 754-7017

Laura Carino-Schroff
(212) 755-8250