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Alvarado High School, Class of 2006

Alvardo , Texas

Reunion Date: August 7th, 2010
Website: Visit our website

Okay, its time we all got together! I am hosting an Alumni Dinner on Aug 7th at 7pm. This is for all Alumni c/o 2000-2008 We will have our own room and we will do music, slide-shows, and would like to do something to show where everyone is at what they are doing now. Tickets are $15 per person. The menu includes enchillada, fajitas, rice, beans, chips, salsa, and non alcoholic drinks, there will be a cash bar though. This is for everone that has graduated, not just people I was personally close to. You are more then welcome to bring your famlies and significant others. I would really like to get all the tickets sold by the first part of July. Please tell all your friends and people you know that I might not have on facebook. My contact number is 817-313-2520 call or text. Email is staindchick79@yahoo.com. I hope to see everyone there!!!

Reunion Contacts

Melissa Bridgefarmer
(817) 3132520