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Dubuque Senior High , Class of 1975

Dubuque, Iowa

Reunion Date: October 1st, 2010
Website: Visit our website

A 35th Class Reunion has been scheduled for the weekend of Oct 1 & 2nd, 2010 with a get together at the Homecoming Football game on Friday night and a Dinner with DJ on Saturday night. The cost for the event for Saturday will be $25.00 per person.
When: Friday, October 1, 2010
Dubuque Senior High School
Dalzell Field
Time: 6:00pm
Tour of school and foot ball game.
Saturday: Oct 2, 2010
Knight of Columbus Hall
781 Locust Street
Time: 7 to 12 p.m.
Dinner will be served at 7:30pm.
Please RSVP by September 15, 2010.
Please make checks payable to :
Dubuque Senior Class of '75

Please return info Donita (Jaeger) Freiburger
1726 Asbury Road
Dubuque, Iowa 52001
Yes, I will be attending on Friday night. Number attending . ____
Yes, I will be attending on Saturday night.
Number attending. _____
Please enclose $25.00 per person attending.

Hope to see you there!

The Class Reunion Committee.

Reunion Contacts

Nancy Felton

Donita Freiburger
(563) 588-2766

Mike Plein
(563) 583-0071