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Planning the best reunions for over 25 years.Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Pottstown Senior High, Class of 1985

Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Reunion Date: October 15th, 2010
Website: Visit our website

October 15th, 2010, Brookside Country Club - delicious food, awesome room with one of the best dance floors around, great DJ, plenty of 80's music and class memorabilia, and a room full of PHS '85 classmates!

6 pm - 7 pm cocktails hour
7 pm - 11 pm dinner, socializing, and YES - dancing! Be sure to bring all of those unforgettable '80s dance moves with you!!

RSVP by September 10, 2010 -
Your payment is your RSVP

Make checks payable to Pottstown High School Class of 1985
Mail payment to:

Dan Bryan
1312 Country Club Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601

For information email amybfrancis@ymail.com.

If you know of anyone from the class that isn't on this group, or Facebook for that matter, PLEASE forward their contact information to
amybfrancis@ymail.com, and they will be added to our database.

Reunion Contacts

Amy Bathurst Francis
(484) 256-7678