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Valley High School, Class of 2000

Las Vegas, Nevada

Reunion Date: October 9th, 2010
Website: Visit our website

That's right, it's been 10 years since we all graduated from dear ole Valley High and now it's time to celebrate! We have a fun night of reminiscing, catching up and creating new memories planned in historic downtown Las Vegas at the Brass Lounge (part of Hennessey's Tavern.) There will be dancing, light appetizers and drinks. A slide show will be played throughout the evening so if you have photos you would like to have included, please email Rebecca (Jaeger-Boehmer) Gould at jaegerboehmer@gmail.com by October 4.

Dress code is cocktail attire, please no jeans.

ALSO - Join us to cheer on our fellow Valley Vikings to victory, Friday October 8th at VHS for the homecoming football game.

For more info on the place, check out this link: http://www.hennesseyslasvegas.com/

Reunion Contacts

Rebecca Gould