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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Aldine High School, Class of 1970

Houston, Texas

Reunion Date: October 23rd, 2010

Class of 1970, 40th Class Reunion
Sat., Oct., 23, 2010 from 6-10pm
Oakland Farm & Ranch in Tomball, TX
Tickets are $50 each which will include a buffet dinner, appettizers, desserts, a DJ, door prizes and many more.
Money for the evening must be paid ahead of time. This is not a "pay at the door" event.

We are inviting classes of '67,'68,'69 + '71 & '72 and as many teachers as we can locate.
btw...Teachers are no charge.

Hope to hear from each and every one of you.

Reunion Contacts

Tanna Willis