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Union High School, Class of 1976

Clinton, North Carolina

Reunion Date: January 1st, 2010

Set date and Time Labor Day,July 4th,Memorial Day ------------RSVP Date,Nov.30th 2010 -----Place: Mrytle Beach or Wilmington at a hotel or on the Hennrette 3------------------Christmas Party Dec 18th at Teretha Mcneil at 6:00pm for local classmates info of address will come to you this week Larry is responsible for all mailing and name tags-----------------------Deceased;Micheal Evans,Ronald Peterson,Allen Peterson,Margaret Faison,Kathy Ezzell--------------------Tearchers:Coach Naylor,Miss Ssessoms,Mr. Sanderson,Mrs Smith,Miss Wells and etc. All money will be paid directly to the place we decide on,Website Spartan logo, send out hardcopy------------------------ Contacts: Larry Morrisey 910 2371499 Brenda Lamb Carr 860 639 6400 LEWIS Imes 910 385 4524 and Gerald Robinson 704 576 9193 I

Reunion Contacts

Brenda Lamb Carr
(860) 639 6400

Larry Morrisey
(910) 2371499

Lewis Imes Jr.
(910) 385 4524