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McLean High School, Class of 1969

Mclean, Virginia

Reunion Date: September 16th, 2004
Website: Visit our website

It’s Homecoming weekend!  We are planning an informal get together on Friday evening, October 15th  at the Marriott Courtyard, Tyson’s Corner.  Then for those who are interested, take a tour of our school and stay for the Homecoming parade and game on Saturday, October 16th, and then join us in the upstairs private room at eCitie Café in the evening for our Reunion Party!  On Sunday, October 17th we are hoping to meet for brunch and then visit the new Air and Space Museum near Dulles International Airport.

For more details and links, visit our new MHS Class of ’69 web page at

Hotel room rates have been negotiated for only $75/night at the Marriott Courtyard, Tyson’s Corner.  Check out our class website for details and links to book online using our group code.

We would like to relay as much information as we can via email.  Please contact Barbara O’Connor Carnahan at bcarnahan@ratnerco.com or at work (800) 874-6288 x8230 as soon as possible to confirm your email address and to let us know if you plan to attend!

Reunion Contacts

Barbara (O'Connor) Carnahan