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South Albany High School, Class of 2001

Albany, Oregon

Reunion Date: July 23rd, 2011
Website: Visit our website

Calling all graduates of South Albany High School (Oregon) Classs of 2001!

You are invited to the SAHS Class of 2001 10 Year Reunion. The reunion will be July 23 and July 24. Join your fellow classmates to catch up on where they've been, what they've done and what they are currently up to now! The reunion will span over two days. On July 23, join your classmates at 6pm at Riley's Billiards Bar & Grill for a buffet dinner, games and more. There will also be a Sunday picnic July 24 at Timber Linn Park, which will include burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, snacks, as well as family games.

The cost to attend the reunion is $35 (Check) or $37 (Credit Card). You must register and pay by June 1, 2011. Anyone that registers after June 1 will be charged an additional $15.

For all the full details and to RSVP, please check out the official reunion web site at www.southalbany2001.com. We hope to see you this summer!

Sincerely: SAHS Class of 2001 Reunion Committee. Any questions, contact Evan Johnson at sahs2001reunion@mail.com

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