Just Announced Reunions

The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Mooreville High School, Class of 1980

Mooreville, Mississippi

Reunion Date: June 11th, 2011
Website: Visit our website

A Mooreville class reunion is being planned at this time(the 1981 class started this). This reunion is open to all classes and if you are graduate/non graduate,everyone is welcome.

The date for the reunion is set for June 11,2011. This could change if they can not book a place for this date.

If you wish to attend the reunion please get in touch with Scotty Hughes or Gaye Brassfield
on facebook. We will need your address,email,phone number to get an idea of how many will be attending.

The next committee meeting is Feb. 26,2011 at Scotty Hughes house at 6:00 pm. All are
welcome to attend.to help plan the event. If you have pics,annuals,memorabilia please bring them.

As information is available,updates will be posted.

Reunion Contacts