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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServicePlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sites

Boyne City High School, Class of 1971

Boyne City, Michigan

Reunion Date: July 2nd, 2011

OK it's a GO!!! We will be having the 40 year class reunion out on the Farm. It will be simple but fun. Spread the word to all our classmates. Bring BBQ grill, food, drinks, chairs, tables or whatever you would normally take camping. If you want to bring a tent or camper let me know and I will reserve a place for you. There is room to play volleyball. Horse shoes, lawn darts or badmitten. If you have any of these games let us know. See you all in July.

Reunion Contacts

Kris Leist
(231) 582-2129

Karen Seeley
(231) 582-6143

Keith Hausler
(231) 582-2811