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Jerome High School, Class of 2001

Jerome, Idaho

Reunion Date: July 1st, 2011
Website: Visit our website

Friday July 1st, 2011
Dinner @ Canyon Crest Dining
Times: 7:00 PM -10:00 PM
Location: Canyon Crest Dining

Saturday July 2nd, 2011
Potluck Lunch
Times: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Jerome Rec Center Park. Families Welcome.
Potluck assignments are by last name please bring enough for 10-15 people: A-F: chips, G-M: salad or veggie tray, N-S: fruit, T-Z: dessert

RSVP Deadline: June 10, 2011. Please RSVP by making your payment, completing the survey and submitted a recent picture.

Regarding Payment Information:
Tickets are $25/person. Includes dinner on Friday night and main dish on Saturday. Payments will be collected through PayPal
Logon to www.paypal.com
Click on “send money”
Select payment for Friends and Family

Email address to send funds to is: JHS2001ClassReunion@gmail.com

Fee if you pay with:
PayPal: FREE
Bank Account: FREE
Credit/Debit Card: $1.03 USD

Please add the following informational note with your payment:
Your full name plus the name of your guest for Friday night (if applicable)

If you prefer to mail in a check, please email us and we will provide you with the correct mailing address.

We understand that everyone is in a different financial boat. We don't want financial difficulties to prevent participation, but also have planned a nice event. If you have concerns about meeting the full payment requirements please contact us. (read less)
Friday July 1st, 2011
Dinner @ Canyon Crest Dining
Times: 7:00 PM -10:00 PM
Location: Canyon Crest Dining

Saturday July 2nd, 2011
Potluck Lunch
Times: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Jerome Rec Center Park. Families Welcome.
Potluck assignments are by last name please bring enough for 10-15 people: A-F: chips, G-M: salad or veggie tray, N-S: fruit, T-Z: dessert

RSVP Deadline: June 10, 2011. Please RSVP by making your payment, completing the survey and submitted a recent picture.

Complete the survey @ this link:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FVQV6CN

Also email an updated picture of yourself our email address:
Email jhs2001classreunion@gmail.com

Reunion Contacts

Kat Stebe-Blasetti