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Johnson Central High School, Class of 1986

Paintsville, Kentucky

Reunion Date: July 9th, 2011

The Johnson Central High School Class of 1986 will be celebrating their 25 year class reunion the weekend of July 8-10, 2011 in Paintsville, KY. The festivities will begin with a casual gathering on Friday night at Café on Main at 8pm. On Saturday night, the main reunion party will be held at the Carriage House Ramada Inn from 7-11pm with light hors d'oeuvres. A cash bar will be available. The weekend will conclude with a picnic at Paintsville Lake or Jenny Wiley (TBA) from 11am-4pm on Sunday which will be potluck. Tickets for the Saturday night party are $30 single and $50 couple if purchased prior to July 1st, 2011. After this time and at the door Saturday night, prices will be $40 single/$60 couple. The Friday and Sunday events are open to all classmates, family and friends and tickets are not required; however, if you are not planning on attending the Saturday night event, please consider making a donation to the weekend in whatever amount you are able to afford.

To purchase tickets please send your check made payable to 1986 JCHS Class Reunion to Diane Hall Collins - 2829 Little Paint Creek, East Point, KY 41216. Should you need hotel accommodations at the Carriage House, there is a discount available. Reference CODE JCHS86 when making your reservation.

Further information can be found on our Facebook page: search for JCHS Class of 1986 — 25th Reunion. You may also email Greg Phelps (greginfl@comcast.net) or Paul “Gummy” Cantrell (PECANTRELL@salisbury.edu) for more information, or you can call Greg at 954-661-9004. We are looking forward to a wonderful weekend and hope that everyone can be a part of it!

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