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Frederick Doulass High School, Class of 1976

Baltimore, Maryland

Reunion Date: October 22nd, 2011
Website: Visit our website

The Class of 1976 will be hosting our 35th Class Reunion of Frederick Douglass High school at the Plush Diamondz Banquet Hall in Randallstown, located 9980 Liberty Road. Tickets on sale NOW $60.00. Early Bird Special of $55.00 by July 30, 2011. We also have a Patron AD Booklet, your Camera-Ready AD can be submitted to Carolynpowersesq@aol.com. Deadline for both, Class Reunion Tickets and Patron AD Booklet is Friday, Sepetember 22, 2011! Open to ALL classes! Email or Mail responses to 1976 Douglass Class Reunion, P.O. Box 11233, Baltimore, MD 21239. Looking forward to hearing from YOU! Peace and Blessings!

Reunion Contacts

Carol A. Powers
(410) 245-7179

James Joyce
(443) 846 8087

Carolyn Powers-Brown
(410) 493 0117