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Eustis High School, Class of 1962

Eustis, Florida

Reunion Date: July 13th, 2012  (Tentative)

Eustis High School Class of 1962

Eustis High School Class of 1962 has started planning for the 50th reunion currently scheduled for July 13, 14 & 15 2012. However, this will not be your normal reunion, it will actually be a 63 year reunion. The Class of 1962 is inviting all of the former classmates from 1949 to 1962 (all we have to do is identify them and then locate them). So if you attended Eustis Elementary, Eustis Heights Elementary or Eustis High School between 1949 and 1962 please contact Linda Sue Givens Hill:

Facebook.com — Linda Sue Hill
E-Mail — lsgh62@centurylink.net
Phone — 321-231-5223
Richard (Dick) Hill — rkhill@centurylink.net
P.O. Box 1998
Apopka, Florida 32704

Also, we are in need of school pictures and news paper clippings for 1949 thru 1956 (kindergarten thru 6th grade) individual, class, school, playground, May Pole, plays, skits, birthday parties, etc and non-annual pictures and news paper clippings for 1957 thru 1962 (7th thru 12th grade) for the 50th Reunion annual. In addition, pictures and news paper clippings of the old Eustis Baseball Stadium, old Movie Garden Drive-In, old band house at the bottom of the hill, the old Fair Grounds where we built our floats, old wood floor roller rink, old Gun Club, Cats Cave, Armory, dances, parades, skip-away-day, rat day, reunion mixers, reunion tours, reunion cookouts, reunion dinners, anything that will bring back memories (with the year indicated, if possible). You can E-Mail them to us or bag, box and mail them, they will be scanned in and promptly returned to you.

While you are at it help us identity our former classmates (you may be one) by checking out the “Name That Kid” section. Then you can move on to….

“Find That Classmate” section. This is where we need the last known location e.g. address, phone number E-Mail address, sisters, brothers, best friend and for the ladies married name (any information that will help us narrow the search).

Please Contact Linda Sue or Richard and request the year(s) for ‘Name That Kid’ or ‘Find That Classmate’ and they will send that information file to you.

Thanks and we will see you in July, 2012

Reunion Contacts

Linda Sue Givens Hill
(321) 231-5223

Richard (Dick) Hill