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Lanphier High School, Class of 1972

Springfield, Illinois

Reunion Date: September 15th, 2012
Website: Visit our website

Friday the 14th:
4pm Tour of LHS, meet in main lobby;
7pm - Boones Saloon.
Saturday the 15th:
Golf in a.m., contact Jim Kane (jkaneglf@yahoo.com)
6:00pm: Dinner at Long Bridge $25/person (cash bar). RSVP with check as soon as possible to Sue Fulks, 5741 Wagon Ford Rd., Chatham 62629. Hotel suggestion: Hampton Inn, Sprfld. (217-796-7670), $99 (includes shuttle) until 8-15-12. See Facebook site: Lanphier Class of 1972. Please join to keep informed. Less

Reunion Contacts

Linda Winters
(217) 5251523