Just Announced Reunions

The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceOurclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesPlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.

Bonita High School, Class of 1962

La Verne, California

Reunion Date: November 3rd, 2012
Website: Visit our website

Nov. 3, 2012
The Sheraton Hotel/Ontario Airport
6:00 PM- 12 midnight cocktails, dinner & dance
No host bar
$60 per person
A fabulous night of dinner, dancing, door prizes, reunion souvenirs, old style photo booth and a huge surprise.

Pizza party Friday at 6PM Warehouse Pizza La Verne
Golf Saurday morning details later
Casual gathering Kun's Park Sunday with a run to In-N-Out

Dress is however you are comfortable.
Come to one or come to all.

Reunion Contacts

Suzi Castillo-Devlin
(503) 743-3856